About Me

So, here are 23 things about me that most people don't know. Well, of course because it does not matter but whatever.

  1. I used to really hate being born a girl. But I am so very girly now. lewlz
  2. I always hold my breath when a guy or bunch of them walk pass me.
  3. I hate how people always assume I don't like food just because I'm skinny.
  4. I looooooooove keyboard noises.
  5. I burp like a guy. Louder and grosser actually.
  6. I have watched all six seasons of Glee for at least five times.
  7. I always talk to myself. It literally is a conversation between me and me.
  8. I mumble a lot.
  9. I have social anxiety disorder.
  10. I only eat raw carrot of all vegetables. And yes I won’t eat them if they’re cooked.
  11. I am actually a good cook. If only I cook.
  12. I never have a boyfriend.
  13. I’ve got friendzoned once.
  14. There was this one week of my life when I had more Mountain Dew than water.
  15. I’ve tried to write using my nose multiple times.
  16. I either finish a book in a few days or a few years, nothing in between.
  17. I spent more money on books than food. (Well because people always pay for my food duh)
  18. I name almost everything I own.
  19. I once had dinner with my family and next to our table was Man Bai and his family but we pretended not to notice him.
  20. I hate wearing baju kurung.
  21. I’ve tried picking my nose using my toes.
  22. I’m broke.
  23. I am a loser.